“from little seeds grow mighty trees.”

The great outdoors at elmcroft

Growing adventurers and explorers at Elmcroft…

At Elmcroft we place a high emphasis on outdoor learning and fully concur with current guidance Realising the ambition (2020) 5.3 Considering the learning environment “The unique role of outdoor play is undeniable daily, high quality outdoor play experiences have a direct and positive impact on children’s physical, cognitive, social, mental health and emotional development”.  Furthermore, the Space to grow (2017) guidance echo’s what the HSCS (2020) state that children should play outside as much as possible. At Elmcroft we ensure our children have opportunities to spend extended periods of time outdoors. As a child centred setting we offer a free flow provision, where children can choose freely when they want to access indoors & outdoors. This supports and encourages children’s independence, personal preferences and many other benefits.

aims and objectives

•Our main aim at Elmcroft is for our children to obtain full autonomy of their play and learning. We want to create a culture where children are the experts in their learning and make choices independently.

•The indoor/outdoor registration supports our children’s full autonomy as they have access to all areas of the curriculum to a high quality, with no barriers to their learning and development.

getting ready for outdoors

  • The children are the leaders, we listen to them and scaffold and provide support when needed.

    Our staff have adopted the mindset for outdoors always to support children’s autonomy.

    The weather doesn’t deter children, lets not let our preconceptions impact their choices.

  • At Elmcroft we provide waterproofs and wellie boots suitable for all children in the nursery.

    Please keep in mind that our children are out in all weathers so please allow that to influence the outfit decisions for the day.

    Your understanding and commitment to supporting us is greatly appreciated and supports your child’s autonomy over their learning.

risky play

“Access to active play in nature and outdoors — with its risks — is essential for healthy child development. We recommend increasing children’s opportunities for self-directed play outdoors in all settings — at home, at school, in child care, the community and nature.”      

 -Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play,

Canadian Government 2015

healthy life styles

At Elmcroft we promote our SHANARRI wellbeing indicators across all areas of our curriculum indoors/outdoors. There is access to fresh drinking water at all times whilst exploring the great outdoors.

On colder days we ensure we provide children and adults with warm drinks and the fire is usually lit to keep us warm.

 The hand washing facilities are dotted across all areas  of the nursery, including outdoors to encourage good hygiene practices.

Life skills

Elmcroft strives to provide children will all the tools to be successful and confident learners who are active participants in leading and exploring. Together we encourage children’s progress from learning to get ready for the outdoors or serving themselves lunch in our outdoor Bistro.

we celebrate all achievements

elmcroft alfresco

elmcroft alfresco

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” 

Our mealtimes have changed and grown as we observe and seek to meet the needs of the children, the rolling lunch offers less interruptions to the child’s play and learning.

We have recently created an outdoor dining bistro where children can choose to eat their lunch outdoors with their peers.

“Children deserve to grow and learn in a place & alongside a force that is as wild and alive as they are.”