Elmcroft Nursery Handbook 2024-2025

 Services offered

The capacity of the Establishment agreed by the Care Inspectorate is 84 children in total per session.

72 children 3-5yrs. Ratio – 1 adult to 8 children

12 children 2-3yrs. Ratio – 1 adult to 5 children

Nursery Hours

Elmcroft Nursery, as a Glasgow City Council establishment provide the statutory 1,140 funded hours to all 3 - 5 year old, & eligible 2 year old children.

In Glasgow, this funding model comprises 23 hours per week for children on a 50 week contract, & 30 hours per week for children on a term time contract.

This is then either 5 or 6 sessions per week depending on contract type. Additional hours cannot be purchased, but additional sessions can. A session is either AM or PM, and 2 sessions make up a full day.

AM is 8.00 - 12.45 & PM is 1.00 - 5.45.

Full day- 8.00am-5.45pm.

It is important that children are collected and vacate the building on or before 12.45am/5.45pm as staff are involved in preparing the playrooms for the following sessions. Please contact the nursery if for any reason you are running late. The building will be locked at 6pm.

Charging Policy

These charges apply to paid places and additional sessions

From the new term beginning August 2024 Glasgow has revised the prices of its Nursery Fees

Non-resident rate

£5.50 per hour – For people living out with Glasgow

    If college/university are paying childcare charges.

Discounted Rate

£4.50 per hour -For all Glasgow residents (children 3-5 years)

£3.00 per hour- For all Glasgow residents (children 2-3 years)

Residents Reduced Rate: £1

The Residents Reduced Rate is offered to kinship carers, those parents who have a household income of less than £16,480, on Universal credit and take home is £796 per month or less or on Working tax credit earning can be £9,552 per year or less.

Resident Second Child Hourly Rate: £2.20

If you have another child already attending nursery

Meals and Snack

Lunch - £1.52

Snack - N/A


All nursery places are allocated in line with Glasgow City Council’s Admission and Charging Policy for Early Years. Our leadership team will be happy to advise you how this policy operates when you apply for a place for your child. When you are enquiring about making an application for your child to start nursery, we will make an appointment for you to come in, we will also advise you of what documentation is required for the application process.

Places are allocated by a local admissions panel.  When a place becomes available you will receive a letter from the Head of Nursery detailing a start date and time.


The nursery operates a key-worker system. Your child’s key worker is simply your child’s special person whom they can relate to along with all other staff.  Your child’s key worker will assist you in settling your child, progress meetings and other times you feel you wish to speak to them. Please spend time exploring the environment with your child on their 1st day and help them become familiar with the toilets and play areas. Children usually settle very quickly, however all children are different. This may take a few days or up to a couple of weeks for some. It is important for you to spend time to settle them and to ensure they feel safe and secure in our environment as leaving your parent/carer for the first time can be a daunting experience. Your child’s key worker will discuss what time to bring and collect your child and whether you can leave or are required to stay. Getting it right at this stage builds their confidence. Your child’s first visit is normally around 1 hour long depending on each individual child. Your child’s time will be extended on an individual basis and as the weeks go on. Your child’s key worker will keep you informed of these changes. It is important for parents/cares to remember that although people have busy lives and commitments, it is important that your child is happy, content and settled before you can leave the building.

ELMCROFT bistro- dining

All children in nursery are provided with snack in the morning & afternoon, & all 1,140 eligible children receive lunch or enhanced snack. Menus will be shared on our online Seesaw platform.

Our dining experience is a calm, child led, & enjoyable experience. We aim to provide a social experience in our Bistro whilst the children serve their own food, clear away their dishes, taste new foods, & enjoy their snack & lunch.

We work with our colleagues in CFM to ensure all food safety & hygiene regulations are adhered to, & ensure the voices of the children stay front of centre of any changes & improvements we make.

Please note that no food can be brought from home.


Daily attendance registers are maintained to provide safety & security for all children. If a child does not attend for 2 consecutive days, their key worker will contact you to ensure everything is alright. Whilst Early Years is not a mandatory part of education like Primary, it is important that attendance levels are kept up, as if a space is not being used due to extensive non-attendance, the Head may write to you to reduce provision, or if prolonged, remove the space altogether.

Play & Tracking Learning

Children’s learning & development is continually assessed by their Key Worker, & in collaboration with all staff. The children will have opportunities to engage in a large variety of play & learning experiences. Our indoor & outdoor environments are divided into areas that support different types of play. As well as our extension of our very own forest.

Play is child led in line with the children’s interests, needs, & seasonal & cultural calendars. Learning is tracked using the Curricular for Excellence & Realising the Ambition, & supported by other documents that enable Practitioners to create meaningful experiences & provocations that help the children develop & learn.

We record all children’s learning on Seesaw. A digital app that enables parents/carers to interact with their child’s play & learning in real time as the learning journal is updated by staff.

We will have meetings with you twice a year to discuss your child’s progress, learning, & overall development.

Arriving at & Leaving Nursery

There is limited parking in the street. Please remember not to park on the zigzag lines and do not carry out U-turns on the road. It is a very busy road so please mind your speed.

We would encourage children where possible to walk, cycle or scoot to & from nursery as much as possible to promote physical fitness, community awareness, & general health & well being for them & their family.

Children can not be collected by anyone under 16 years old, & that person must always be a responsible adult who can competently care for your child once they leave nursery. We may refuse to let a child leave with someone if they are under 16, or with an adult we deem them to be irresponsible.

Additional Support for Learning

The nursery has a statutory duty to ensure that all children have equal access to the curriculum, supported as appropriate to their individual needs. This covers not only play, learning, & resources, but also the nature of our environment, interactions, & experiences.

The nursery team is made up of Child Development Officers, qualified to at least HNC level (although often to degree level), with Support for Learning Workers who supplement the staff team & who can assist children, either individually or in small groups to access the curriculum, learn, grow, & express themselves. The CDOs & SFLWs work in conjunction to meet the needs of our children who require that extra bit of support as they grow.

Clothing & Sun-cream

Our children access outdoor play every day in all weathers (with the exception of severe weather warnings) & so all children should come to nursery dressed for the weather. We have wetsuits & welly boots that the the children can use, however appropriate jackets, footwear, & clothing generally that is appropriate for the weather that day is also essential.

On sunny days, please ensure sun cream is applied to your child before they come to nursery. The nursery staff will reapply during the day as needed, Please also provide a sun hat for your child on sunny or hot days.

We encourage children wear aprons when painting, playing in water or messy materials, & remain clean when eating, however play & toilet accidents do happen, so we ask you to leave a spare pair of clothes each day for your child which can be hung on their peg. Please write your child’s name on all clothes to avoid them being lost or taken in error.

Excursions, Consent, & Emergencies

Any excursions that take place will be planned in advance & involve parental consent. General consent forms are part of the nursery enrolment paperwork. Consent forms for specific trips or events will be given to parents to sign.

We require at least 2 emergency contact numbers for your child in the event of an injury, illness, evacuation, or other situation. It is vital that all contact information for parents & emergency contacts is kept up to date.

Miscellaneous Information

There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the premises.

There are no dogs allowed anywhere on the premises. Guide dogs are permitted.

Phones cannot be used anywhere inside the nursery. Please finish or hold off making any phone calls until you are outside.

Please be mindful of voice levels when in the nursery, in particular when in the playrooms.

In the event of an emergency closure of the nursery, we will communicate with families to inform you. Please therefore ensure any changes in your contact information is passed to the nursery in a timely manner.


“The more risks you allow your children to take, the better they learn to look after themselves” Roald Dahl

As children are curious about the world around them at times it will be inevitable that they will have a fall, trip, scratch or bump to the head. However, our amazing, nurturing staff team will be there to scoop them up and ensure they are ok.

If your child suffers from an accident/ injury at nursery, our priority is to ensure they receive immediate care and emotional support they require. All accidents where first aid has been applied will be recorded within our accident books. We will share all relevant information and ask parents/carers to sign to state that they have received information and are happy with the treatment received.

If your child has a bump to the head or gets bitten during their time at nursery, we will give you a call to inform you prior to you collecting your child.

Illness & Medicines

If your child becomes ill when in nursery, we will contact you to collect them & we will keep the comfortable until you arrive.

If your child has asthma then they MUST have an inhaler that can stay in the nursery, along with an asthma plan. If your child has epilepsy or is prone to seizures, you MUST provide a seizure plan.

If your child requires medication during their day in nursery, we would support that administration at the discretion of the Head. Only medicines that are prescribed for your child, & that are for a specific purpose e.g. fighting infection, will be administered. Pain relief will not, & if a child is unwell enough to require pain management such as Calpol, then they should be at home until well enough to return to nursery.

At times throughout the year, medical professionals visit the nursery for specific purposes e.g. teeth varnishing, visual screening. Your consent will be sought before your child takes part..

Child Welfare & Safety

All staff in the nursery are guided on policy & procedures relating to child safety, protection, & welfare by Glasgow City Council. All educational establishments must take positive steps to help children protect themselves by ensuring that health & personal safety are central to the curriculum.

The nursery creates & maintains a positive ethos & climate which actively promotes child welfare & a safe environment by;

  • Ensuring that children are respected & listened to.

  • Ensuring that staff are aware of child protection issues & procedures.

  • Establishing & maintaining close working relationships & arrangements with other agencies to make sure that professionals collaborate effectively in protecting children.

The Head of Nursery (Cheryl Taylor) is the designated child protection Co-ordinator & will act on all issues that are raised & pass them to other agencies if initial investigation warrants it.


We communicate with our parents in a variety of ways; digitally, in print, & in person. We would always prefer to speak with our families face to face as the relationships we have with you are very important to us. When this isn’t possible we will use Groupcall to send you text messages & emails, Seesaw to notify you of learning or play announcements.

If at any point you want to speak to your child’s Key Worker, or a member of the nursery leadership team, that will always be accommodated at a mutually suitable time.

Concerns and Complaints

At Elmcroft nursery we aim to have positive relationships at the heart of everything we do.  However, if you have a concern or complaint, please approach the Head of nursery in the first instance. I am always happy to meet in person, or if you would rather discuss it over the phone please do not hesitate to do so.

Glasgow City Council complaints procedures are available


Customer Care Team

Customer & Business Services

Glasgow City Council

City Chambers

Glasgow G2 1DU

Tel 0141 287 0900

Email: customercare@glasgow.gov.uk

Harassment & Equality

Bullying or intolerant behaviour will not be tolerated within Glasgow City Council buildings or workplaces. Discrimination or harassment of any sort that goes against the Equality Act (2010) can be considered a criminal offence and Elmcroft Nursery operates a zero tolerance policy in line with GCC guidance and Equality legislation.

Care Inspectorate Complaints

How to raise a concern or a complaint

For a registered care service, you can choose to contact us directly by either:

Filling in a form online

Calling us directly on 0345 600 9527 (between 9am-4pm Mon-Fri)

Emailing us at concerns@careinspectorate.gov.scot

It is important that you provide us with your contact number. We will not provide your details to the service- unless you agree to this.

Click below for the link to the online complaints form.

Insurance & Liability

The nursery is covered by Employers Liability & Public Liability insurances, which is organised by Glasgow City Council in line with their obligations as the legal provider of the service.

All insurance & liability information is displayed in the main foyer of the nursery.

Please note that neither insurance policy covers loss or damage to property so please be mindful of what your child brings to nursery, & equally what they wear.

Glasgow City Council nor Elmcroft Nursery accept any responsibility for loss or damage of property that is left unattended.